“You need to establish your author brand.”
“My what, now?”
“Your brand, your author brand.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Look, it’s simple. How do you want the rest of the world to see you?
“Like I am right now.”
“Yes, but how are you going to do it?”
“Um…be myself?”
And there, folks, is the crux of social media marketing as a writer. You’re not just selling your books; you’re selling YOU. So, how do you want to go about it?
If you look on Twitter, and search the hashtag #writerscommunity, you’ll find a host of people seeking to do just that: market themselves. Some do it with endless promotions of their books, or those of others. Others share small snippets of their writing, whether it be bits from a work in progress (WIP), or a scrap of flash fiction. Others lean more towards active interaction with fellow writers, in whatever form that takes: encouragement, observations on writing, or simply posting small daily truths about their lives and commenting on those of their fellows.
Instagram is much the same. There are writers who post exclusively on the craft of writing (posting writing prompts, motivational quotes, etc.), and others who use IG to give people a window into their lives.
You can probably guess where I fall in all of this.
With my book(s), you’re seeing a part of me I rarely share with the outside world - the dark, tangled realm of words and ideas that lurks beneath this bubbly exterior. But that’s not entirely who I am. I’m also a maker of bad puns (hence the waiver on this site’s header), a snarkaholic (it’s genetic, I swear), and a loyal cheerleader and supporter of my fellow writers. I want readers to see all of that when they pick up my books or find me on social media.
When I worked a full-time gig in the corporate world, my boss asked me to decide what personal brand I wanted to promote as one of his employees. Without hesitation, I responded that I wanted people to see me as a proactive, conscientious employee who got things done right, and on time, so I acted accordingly.
The same holds true for me as an author. I want people to see not just my writing, but (hopefully) the kind, encouraging, (hopefully) humorous, often-irreverent person behind the words.
Come follow me on Twitter (@Liz_Perrine) and on Instagram (@lizperrine) for a glimpse into the real me. I’ll try to keep it funny and mostly PG-13, but I make no promises. (You’ve been warned. )
See you soon.